Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Episode 90 - Luis
90 is finally out. This is where we get real. The entire purpose of this episode is to answer a simple question. This is a question not only we have to answer but also the slew of guests that we have on this episode. That question is: Why do you do this? This is how the magic happens.
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(0:00 - 9:48) Intro
Shots fired. We kid a lot, but you have to understand that we have feelings too. One of the crazy things that social media has done for all of us is making sure when we say stupid shit, everyone sees it. Some people don't think about it and may just think of it as a joke but not everything is funny. Just be careful and don't burn bridges.
(9:49 - 25:13) Discussion (Eeeper)
Real pleasure to have him on. I was on his show a long time ago so I thought I would repay the favor. Here is an example of how to use social media. Without something like Twitter, I probably would have never gotten a chance to speak with him in the first place. The only downside was that I had to watch Rio Rainbow Gate. No big deal. Just so you know, we actually talked way more than I have on this episode. I'll do something with the audio. Don't worry.
(25:14 - 33:22) Discussion (Secret Origins)
Being apart of our anime club was one of the best experiences I had in school. I think during the time I was a part of that club my collection went from six DVDs to close to an unlimited supply of anime. T1 connection really helps out a lot. Don't worry, I bought practically everything later on. I am still not rich by the way.
(33:23 - 44:09) Discussion (Gothic Gaara)
In case you are wondering, I dragged this guy out of bed so we can do this interview. Actually, he had just finished recording one of his shows. He does a lot of work so don't knock him. Very interesting way we met. Zach from the One Piece Podcast, which I will talk about more later, asked me to listen to this dude who was starting some Naruto podcast and was asking Zach for some advice. Zach will be the first to admit his lack of knowledge on the subject so he tapped me to check how it sounds. Gaara will also be the first to admit how shitty it sounded. Terrible mics, people weren't talking enough if at all, the list goes on. My biggest issue was the main dude, who I assumed was the host because he was the only one talking, sounded like he was being recorded off of someone's computer speakers. You think I would say, "Yeah, fuck this show. It sucks." I would say that in my head, yes, but I would still give you some honest advice. I made sure to tell Zach to relay what I said back to him and we never talked about since. Months later, I noticed the audio file still in my folder and it may me curious as to whatever happened to that show. Quick Google search lead me to find these people had around 20 episodes and are still going. I decided to listen to the latest episodes (just so you know I listen to everything) and found a bunch of Nartutards actually having a well thought out discussion on shipping. Crazy, I know. I ended up emailing them saying I enjoyed their episode and casually mentioned giving advice to them some time ago. After several email exchanges, I ended being dragged on more of there shows than I remember. I asked Gaara what he did with that advice some time later. He told me rerecorded himself talking, word for word, and overlaid that on the episode to make himself sound clearer. Yeah, please don't do that, people.
(44:09 - 51:00) Discussion (Allegedly)
No one was harmed in the making of this recording.
(51:01 - 55:36) Discussion (John Robbins)
I talked about how I peaked when I talked with Billy West. This man has not begun to peak. Trust me, you will feel it when he peaks. He is going to peak all over everybody. John has more interview cred in his pinky than I do in my entire body. I give nothing but the best to him and his crew of misfits. John, I will never forget getting blown up on Third Strike. NEVER! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE! Oh, and tell Jen I say hi.
(55:37 - 1:06:11) Discussion (We Need That Cosign)
Seriously, don't listen to that first episode again.
(1:06:12 - 1:13:52) Discussion (Sketch)
I feel like it is a curse every time this man is on my show. I at least know the shows he mentioned in this recording are still going. The only thing that is stopping them is if Toonami gets cancelled. Again. I am always surprised whenever I speak with this guy, always something new. I know how he feels though. I can look at all the work I do and I always know I can do better. I think I am just too stupid to quit. Twice actually.
(1:13:53 - 1:21:33) Discussion (Promote Yourself Not Anyone Else)
If you go through all the shows, you can possibly track the different shows I listen to. It may be a simple non sequitur or a full blown mention (which are very rare). This is why I prefer just having breaks in the show to put podcast promos. Since most of our show is casual conversation, it would feel out of place for me to mention another show without proper context. Plus, I know most of the people on my show don't listen to as many shows as I do. I will just look silly, which is not hard.
(1:21:34 - 1:25:30) Discussion (Firecrouch)
Words cannot describe this guy. So, I will stop here.
(1:25:31 - 1:33:28) Discussion (We Still Love You AP)
Nah, not really.
(1:33:29 - 1:38:18) Discussion (CJ Hitchcock)
This man has a bunch of AKAs. We actually met through our mutual friend, Joshua. Yeah, the same kid from long ago. It wasn't until way later after Josh disappeared that I was finally able to meet Chris. First thing I thought was, "Dude has the same suit as his avatar." I clearly was not pimp enough to rock that suit, which is why I will never do video podcasts.
(1:38:19 - 1:50:52) Discussion (Just Ask)
Seriously, not that hard.
(1:50:53 - 2:00:39) Discussion (Zach Logan)
I will be the first to say One Podcast Prevails has not done as well as I hoped. So, you have every right to make fun of me for that one. Yeah, if you go back way into their catalog, you can find me. It is amazing how far this show has gone. Before you say anything, this isn't about me bashing these guys. Really, I can't complain at success. They do their show because they love it and I do mine because I love it. Yeah, we differ greatly in point of views about certain aspects of fandom but there is always a level of respect that is maintained. Really, that is all that I have to give, respect. Don't worry, I will make my return to their show soon enough...
(2:00:40 - 2:11:27) Discussion (Compliment Sandwich)
I am serious about the whole podfading issue. If you come to me saying you are starting a show, I always will help out in anyway I can. But I can't hold your hand forever. It always boils down to you if your show continues. Yeah, it is a fun hobby but there is some work involved. You got to know early how much you are willing to put into this, especially if you going to be spending money to make this work.
(2:11:28 - 2:35:09) Discussion (Soul Bro Ryu)
What they say is true: Never meet your heroes.
(2:35:10 - 2:41:55) Discussion (A Voice For Blogging)
I know I am going to get a lot of shit for this one. Presentation is what matters, guys and gals. Sorry.
(2:41:56 - 2:45:57) Discussion (Jammer & Dominic)
Probably one of the gayest couples I have ever met. I don't think I have anything better to say than that. Chemistry is the most important thing when you are working with other people on your show. If you cannot play off each other, your show is doomed to fail. I have listened to many shows that have people talking on top of each other and never know when to let someone else have a word in. It's like two people are running two separate shows at the same time.
(2:45:58 - 2:57:27) Discussion (Portal 2: The Friend Maker)
Long story short, we are terrible people.
(2:57:27 - 3:09:36) Discussion (Bullet Beast)
One of our first real fans. Now our of our best friends. He is proof that if you are able to keep up with us, you will eventually be a part of the show.
(3:09:37 - 3:18:35) Discussion (Foxy Is A Virus)
You can possibly point to Foxy for the reason behind everything. Every single thing she showed us at some point has been mentioned in this show. The things that have stuck the most ended up becoming its own show. How I ended up doing all the work, I don't know.
(3:18:36 - 3:34:11) Discussion (Noelle)
I want to start off by saying that I loved all of Noelle's attempts at making me say all the kpop artist that I listen to. The honest truth is that I will listen to anything.
(3:34:12 - 4:04:52) Discussion (Final Stretch)
The pilot for Ready Start Up Change has been recorded. Be sure to check out the forums to see when we release it. Once all the necessary work is done, we will start up proper. We never know when to shut up.
(4:04:53 - 4:19:22) Closing
The road to 100 begins now.
Please feel free to leave a comment or contact us via email at:
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Click here to download episode (Right-click and Save As)
(0:00 - 9:48) Intro
Shots fired. We kid a lot, but you have to understand that we have feelings too. One of the crazy things that social media has done for all of us is making sure when we say stupid shit, everyone sees it. Some people don't think about it and may just think of it as a joke but not everything is funny. Just be careful and don't burn bridges.
(9:49 - 25:13) Discussion (Eeeper)
Real pleasure to have him on. I was on his show a long time ago so I thought I would repay the favor. Here is an example of how to use social media. Without something like Twitter, I probably would have never gotten a chance to speak with him in the first place. The only downside was that I had to watch Rio Rainbow Gate. No big deal. Just so you know, we actually talked way more than I have on this episode. I'll do something with the audio. Don't worry.
(25:14 - 33:22) Discussion (Secret Origins)
Being apart of our anime club was one of the best experiences I had in school. I think during the time I was a part of that club my collection went from six DVDs to close to an unlimited supply of anime. T1 connection really helps out a lot. Don't worry, I bought practically everything later on. I am still not rich by the way.
(33:23 - 44:09) Discussion (Gothic Gaara)
In case you are wondering, I dragged this guy out of bed so we can do this interview. Actually, he had just finished recording one of his shows. He does a lot of work so don't knock him. Very interesting way we met. Zach from the One Piece Podcast, which I will talk about more later, asked me to listen to this dude who was starting some Naruto podcast and was asking Zach for some advice. Zach will be the first to admit his lack of knowledge on the subject so he tapped me to check how it sounds. Gaara will also be the first to admit how shitty it sounded. Terrible mics, people weren't talking enough if at all, the list goes on. My biggest issue was the main dude, who I assumed was the host because he was the only one talking, sounded like he was being recorded off of someone's computer speakers. You think I would say, "Yeah, fuck this show. It sucks." I would say that in my head, yes, but I would still give you some honest advice. I made sure to tell Zach to relay what I said back to him and we never talked about since. Months later, I noticed the audio file still in my folder and it may me curious as to whatever happened to that show. Quick Google search lead me to find these people had around 20 episodes and are still going. I decided to listen to the latest episodes (just so you know I listen to everything) and found a bunch of Nartutards actually having a well thought out discussion on shipping. Crazy, I know. I ended up emailing them saying I enjoyed their episode and casually mentioned giving advice to them some time ago. After several email exchanges, I ended being dragged on more of there shows than I remember. I asked Gaara what he did with that advice some time later. He told me rerecorded himself talking, word for word, and overlaid that on the episode to make himself sound clearer. Yeah, please don't do that, people.
(44:09 - 51:00) Discussion (Allegedly)
No one was harmed in the making of this recording.
(51:01 - 55:36) Discussion (John Robbins)
I talked about how I peaked when I talked with Billy West. This man has not begun to peak. Trust me, you will feel it when he peaks. He is going to peak all over everybody. John has more interview cred in his pinky than I do in my entire body. I give nothing but the best to him and his crew of misfits. John, I will never forget getting blown up on Third Strike. NEVER! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE! Oh, and tell Jen I say hi.
(55:37 - 1:06:11) Discussion (We Need That Cosign)
Seriously, don't listen to that first episode again.
(1:06:12 - 1:13:52) Discussion (Sketch)
I feel like it is a curse every time this man is on my show. I at least know the shows he mentioned in this recording are still going. The only thing that is stopping them is if Toonami gets cancelled. Again. I am always surprised whenever I speak with this guy, always something new. I know how he feels though. I can look at all the work I do and I always know I can do better. I think I am just too stupid to quit. Twice actually.
(1:13:53 - 1:21:33) Discussion (Promote Yourself Not Anyone Else)
If you go through all the shows, you can possibly track the different shows I listen to. It may be a simple non sequitur or a full blown mention (which are very rare). This is why I prefer just having breaks in the show to put podcast promos. Since most of our show is casual conversation, it would feel out of place for me to mention another show without proper context. Plus, I know most of the people on my show don't listen to as many shows as I do. I will just look silly, which is not hard.
(1:21:34 - 1:25:30) Discussion (Firecrouch)
Words cannot describe this guy. So, I will stop here.
(1:25:31 - 1:33:28) Discussion (We Still Love You AP)
Nah, not really.
(1:33:29 - 1:38:18) Discussion (CJ Hitchcock)
This man has a bunch of AKAs. We actually met through our mutual friend, Joshua. Yeah, the same kid from long ago. It wasn't until way later after Josh disappeared that I was finally able to meet Chris. First thing I thought was, "Dude has the same suit as his avatar." I clearly was not pimp enough to rock that suit, which is why I will never do video podcasts.
(1:38:19 - 1:50:52) Discussion (Just Ask)
Seriously, not that hard.
(1:50:53 - 2:00:39) Discussion (Zach Logan)
I will be the first to say One Podcast Prevails has not done as well as I hoped. So, you have every right to make fun of me for that one. Yeah, if you go back way into their catalog, you can find me. It is amazing how far this show has gone. Before you say anything, this isn't about me bashing these guys. Really, I can't complain at success. They do their show because they love it and I do mine because I love it. Yeah, we differ greatly in point of views about certain aspects of fandom but there is always a level of respect that is maintained. Really, that is all that I have to give, respect. Don't worry, I will make my return to their show soon enough...
(2:00:40 - 2:11:27) Discussion (Compliment Sandwich)
I am serious about the whole podfading issue. If you come to me saying you are starting a show, I always will help out in anyway I can. But I can't hold your hand forever. It always boils down to you if your show continues. Yeah, it is a fun hobby but there is some work involved. You got to know early how much you are willing to put into this, especially if you going to be spending money to make this work.
(2:11:28 - 2:35:09) Discussion (Soul Bro Ryu)
What they say is true: Never meet your heroes.
(2:35:10 - 2:41:55) Discussion (A Voice For Blogging)
I know I am going to get a lot of shit for this one. Presentation is what matters, guys and gals. Sorry.
(2:41:56 - 2:45:57) Discussion (Jammer & Dominic)
Probably one of the gayest couples I have ever met. I don't think I have anything better to say than that. Chemistry is the most important thing when you are working with other people on your show. If you cannot play off each other, your show is doomed to fail. I have listened to many shows that have people talking on top of each other and never know when to let someone else have a word in. It's like two people are running two separate shows at the same time.
(2:45:58 - 2:57:27) Discussion (Portal 2: The Friend Maker)
Long story short, we are terrible people.
(2:57:27 - 3:09:36) Discussion (Bullet Beast)
One of our first real fans. Now our of our best friends. He is proof that if you are able to keep up with us, you will eventually be a part of the show.
(3:09:37 - 3:18:35) Discussion (Foxy Is A Virus)
You can possibly point to Foxy for the reason behind everything. Every single thing she showed us at some point has been mentioned in this show. The things that have stuck the most ended up becoming its own show. How I ended up doing all the work, I don't know.
(3:18:36 - 3:34:11) Discussion (Noelle)
I want to start off by saying that I loved all of Noelle's attempts at making me say all the kpop artist that I listen to. The honest truth is that I will listen to anything.
(3:34:12 - 4:04:52) Discussion (Final Stretch)
The pilot for Ready Start Up Change has been recorded. Be sure to check out the forums to see when we release it. Once all the necessary work is done, we will start up proper. We never know when to shut up.
(4:04:53 - 4:19:22) Closing
The road to 100 begins now.
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We Remember Love
Richie McBeefy sucks.
you know dude, there are much easier ways to alleviate your hard-on for th guy.
i suggest proposing.
11 movies.
I took notes while listening to this because I really would like to start up my own Toriko podcast and I figured you guys know what you're doing... especially hearing how passionate all of you are. I'm super jealous of your friendships and such. This whole episode is really inspiring and if/when I get my own podcast off the ground, I hope it's half as good as this one... wow I sound really silly and dumb but I'm so super passionate about Toriko that my heart would hurt every time you mentioned the podcast that died pretty much as soon as it started :\
I just want a way to express my feelings for something I'm extremely passionate about that I can't really do at school or by typing away on my stupid tumblr...
Sorry if I'm rambling at this point. I just wanted to thank you for this episode and all the advice and stories that it contains, really really really inspiring and ...maybe I'm too cheesy, but it's touching, as well.
"What they say is true: Never meet your heroes."
Half way through this monster, enjoying the back story parts more then I would have thought.
...oh right. I was suppose to write "just kidding". Sorry Soul Bro ;)
Love the origin story. Great slander. Rap album is a great theme for the 90s. Hopefully we get summer season preview in there. Because you know timeliness and all.
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